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SHAPE Project good practices: findings from a participatory action research

In the framework of our SHAPE project, we have produced 2 summaries of good practices collected during our two-year project: the participatory action research carried out by migrants and refugees and the "SHAPE Academy" training for municipal staff and decision-makers. 

The SHAPE project, funded by the European Fund AMIF, aims to promote the participation of immigrants and refugees in democratic processes and in the design and implementation of integration policies at local, national and European level, and to foster dialogue between local authorities and immigrant and refugee communities.

Participation Action Research Summary

Participatory action research (PAR) is a research approach that emphasises the participation of the community concerned, who, instead of being the researched group, become researchers themselves and are involved in decision-making and in the different phases of the whole research process. This brief describes the Artemisszió Foundation's PAR process, which took place between November 2022 and November 2023 with 12 migrant researchers to explore how information deprivation affects migrants' opportunities and access to basic services. 

SHAPE Academy Summary

On 30 January, 6 February and 10 February, the Artemisszió Foundation held the "SHAPE Academy" training on the integration and participation of migrants and refugees for local government staff and decision-makers in Budapest, the elements and experiences of which are detailed in this summary. 

The two publications are available in English and Hungarian at this link: 


Photo by Gabriella Hajdú (Mira - Artemisszió)