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Art plays a key role in shaping a society. We truly believe that creativity, visuality, physical and dramatic exercise can help us address personal and social questions better than any other tool. Our current toolkit of trainings includes forum theater, community video and reportage, visual techniques based on drawing, montage and collage. We are constantly seeking out and learning new practices and methods. Some of our group processes are moving towards artivism: art combined with activism.

Current Projects

Mindfulness for Integration

A M4I (Mindfulness for Integration) projekt célja a menekültek és bevándorlók mentális egészségének és integrációjának támogatása oly módon, hogy online és offline tudásanyagok fejlesztésével felkészíti azokat a felnőtt oktatókat, kreatív szakembereket és művészeket, akik ezzel célcsoporttal dolgoznak.

A projekt első szakaszában egy kézikönyv készül a menekültek és bevándorlók mentális egészségi kihívásairól, trauma-tudatos gondozásról, valamint arról, hogy hogyan támogathatja az alkotás és a különböző művészeti eszközök a mentális egészséget. Emellett tudásbővítő képzést is tartunk művészeti szakemberek számára.

A második felében egy blended kurzust fejlesztünk, amely gyakorlati ismereteket és tudást ad át itt élő külföldieknek a mentális egészség kezeléséhez. A modulok olyan témákban kínálnak ismereteket és gyakorlatokat, mint a kreatív öngondoskodás vagy a mentális egészségtudatosság.

Ezt követi a Facilitátor e-kurzus, amelynek célja a menekültekkel és bevándorlókkal foglalkozó szakemberek felkészítése arra, hogy hatékonyan támogassák ügyfeleik mentális egészségét. 

Az említett eszközök célja az ismeretek elmélyítésén túl, gyakorlati eszközök nyújtása azoknak, akik sérülékeny csoportokkal dolgoznak, és akiknek nincs tapasztalatuk a mentálhigiénés területen, valamint tervezik, hogy menekültekkel és bevándorlókkal fognak dolgozni.

A projektről további információ a Facebookon található:

Az együttműködés az Erasmus+ program keretében valósul meg az Európai Unió támogatásával. A partner szervezetek:

  • Nordic Diaspora Forum, Svédország
  • Kainotomia, Görögország
  • CWEP, Lengyelország
  • IRMI, Németország
  • Cuiablue, Észtország



The CirculART-e project revolves around visual art education as well as digital and circular skills with the aim of boosting social entrepreneurship of youth with migratory and minority background across Europe. To achieve this goal, CirculART-e includes activities like developing a curricula and training guides, organizing promotional events about the project and its outcomes, holding workshops about the methodologies and approach used in the project.

Our goals:

  • Fostering social entrepreneurship of young people with migrant and cultural or ethnic minority backgrounds through art-based methods
  • Promoting active participation of young people in their community, with emphasis in youth at risk of marginalisation
  • Developing competences of youth workers to reach out and address the needs of young people at risk of social exclusion through creative blended learning.
  • Raising awareness of the accessibility of digital methods in art-based education among young people, youth workers and youth work organisations

 The project’s website: 

The projekt facebook page: 

RELICA - Developing arts-based and digital learning methods

The Relica project aims to develop the competences of immigrants and refugees, so that they feel more independent and confident in their work, in class, in language classes, in the workplace and in the hobbies: communication skills, digital competences, social skills.

The learning tools developed in the Relica (Recyclinc Skills to Improve Literacy, Language and Communication Competences through Artistic and Digital creation) project will provide professionals working with migrants and refugees, language teachers, educators and social workers with a toolbox of artistic and creative methods.

The project is funded by the European Union.

Project Partners:

  • Artemisszió Alapítvány
  • Artifactory, Görögország
  • Comparative Research Network, Németország
  • COTA ONG, Franciaország
  • Fundacja Digital Creators, Lengyelország
  • Il Salone dei Rifiutati, Olaszország


Rainbow of Desires in Adult Education

The Rainbow of Desires (RoD) is a set of different techniques belonging to the Theatre of the Oppressed methodology, used to deal with internalised oppression.

The project has two main goals:

1) Share RoD with educators, in order to better manage the process of empowerment with their learners, mainly when they use active methods which imply moving emotions.

2) Adult educators can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the difficulties in managing the emotions and pain perceived in the group of learners, often coming from extreme situations, poverty, racism, war, discrimination, violence. For these reasons RoD can be also a tool to support the mental wellbeing of the educators themselves, to be used within the teams, to explore the emotions linked to their role and to get a more sustainable balance.

The activities of the project include online seminars, in-person trainings and workshops about RoD, as well as the compilation of a handbook that will be freely available online.

Please follow our facebook page for details:

FemTalks Forum Project

In the project, the partners work at the European level in order to comprehensively understand the needs of women with an immigrant background and the services that are already available. After that, they should provide opportunities to fill gaps, with the help of which the participants can be more satisfied and confident in their private life, in their work environment, as well as in finding a job and starting their own business. 

The women who take part in the project will be given the opportunity to develop a variety of skills, such as increasing their self-confidence and self-efficacy, networking, and improving their digital ability. They can, subsequently, put these skills into practice using an innovative digital sharing platform, allowing them to promote themselves and use social media in a professional setting. In turn, this is likely to increase their employability opportunities.

Another key resource incorporated into the project is ‘Forum Theatre’, a genre of theatre that explores social justice. Participants of the training will be offered a safe space to use theatre as an outlet to communicate, express their thoughts and feelings, explore the effects of choices they may have made or are planning to make in the future and combat oppression.

The project was collectively developed by six European partners and it is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

The partners are:

Elan Interculturel (FR)

Inova Consultancy- an SME based in the UK

InterACT- an NGO based in Austria

Odisee VSW- a HE Institution based in Belgium

Materahub- an SME based in Italy


The Theater of the Oppressed is an effective method for activating and empowering social groups facing social oppression. It creates the space for social dialogue, enables participants to develop social skills, communication skills and supports their personal development in areas such as self-expression, self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence, entrepreneurship and social skills, contributing to social cohesion.

Despite the effectiveness of the method, there are very few courses available that specifically focus on the role known as the "Joker" in the Theater of the Oppressed, helping and facilitating these processes.

Therefore, the partner organizations of our Strategic Partnership Project have planned a long-term training consisting of 3 stages,implemented within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Program, which helps to understand the complexity of the Theater of the Oppressed process: from group building to the creation of the story and its staging.

During the training, the participants received practical tools for group work. They had the opportunity to share good practices, as well as their knowledge and experience in the area of ​​the Forum Theater with professionals from other European cities dealing with different groups. At the end of the course, we paid attention to the follow-up, and we also learned about the adaptation possibilities of the method.

The aim of the project was to develop the competences of youth professionals and activists working with the Forum Theater method, to explore various concepts related to the Theater of the Oppressed, with particular regard to the Forum Theater as a tool for building dialogue and social change. This three-part project focused on developing the Joker's complex competencies. We went around the Joker: as a facilitator, moderator, director, forum joker, motivator, mentor, manager and coordinator. During the training series, the participants had the opportunity to discuss the oppression experienced in their local communities and the possibilities of applying the method.


Experienced trainers in the Theater of the Oppressed equipped the participants with the necessary competencies to be able to start working for social change in their local communities with the help of the Forum Theater method. The process consisted of the following steps:

First international training: Forum theater experience as a participant - mastering the different stages of the method. Games, Image theater, Forum theater. 2. Local action – Adaptations of the Forum Theater methodology 3. Second international training: Competencies of the Joker 4. Local action – Adaptations of the Forum Theater methodology 5. Third international meeting: Evaluation seminar 6. Local action - Multiplication of the methodology


The aim of our international cooperation Re-stor-e is for the participating organisations to exchange knowledge, practices and experiences on how recycling as a principle can be understood and applied at different levels to empower different disadvantaged groups, for example in the Hungarian context, to help the integration of immigrants.

We experiment with creative tools that can be used to rediscover unused, forgotten skills of the participants in the process, to develop new relationships, while at the level of the concrete, making objects, materials, images that have been used before, usable again, giving them new life. 

The partners will share different practices and methods with each other and, after testing, with interested professionals in the form of a handbook. A group of methods invites to (re)discover spaces, be it public or private, to draw attention to emotional relationships, to connect forgotten memories to the present, thus aiming at strengthening cultural and local identity, a sense of home. Our creative art practices aim to process different experiences, to connect and learn from each other. Among the methods we share, there are many visual, fine arts, drama, movement and digital skills exercises. Descriptions of the tools tested will be included in an online manual available on the project website.

 Our Partners: 


Comparative Research Network’s:

Il Salone di Rifiutati:

CAaD – Creative Actions Against Discrimination

During the more than 2 years of collaboration with our partners from Austria, Italy and Spain, we wish to broaden the audience of anti-discrimination workshops for those who want to know more about the topic, have questions, but don’t necessarily activists. We wish to open space for discussion, community- building, creation, and art.

We design innovative workshops that use elements form the everyday life, have a palpable topics and still treat issues important issues like prejudice, community and identity, communication, etc. in forms that link artistic methods with anti-discrimination work and will be compiled with hands-on Tool Kits for educators and trainers in three different fields:

*Participatory Video: production of a video within a group that works together from the first steps (generating the idea) until the final cut, guided by a facilitator. 

*Theatre: different forms of theatre workshops, including theatre of the oppressed 

*Social media: conscious social media use; also addressing hate speech; creative means including production of GIFs, videos, podcasts, etc. 

The website of the project: 

The Creative Actions against Discrimination project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.